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 Blood plague 

  Blood Plague Introduction................................................

Blood Plague is a secondary ailment separate to other injuries and trauma your character will suffer - It is contracted by making contact with zombies or freaks that are infected with it. You can differentiate between a regular zombie and a plague zombie by their appearance. Plague Zombies and Freaks are red in colour with eyes to match, where as regular zombies are relatively grey coloured with yellow/amber eyes. Plague zombies are also much more aggressive and persistent than regular zombies which is representative of the effects of blood Plague itself.


Contracting Blood Plague from freaks like blaters can cause you respiratory issues


In the event that you contract blood plague your survivor will have to be eventually treated or they will die due to the infection. Below are images and explanations of what each stage of infection means and how to treat or cure it before you lose your character.

.Blood Plague Infection...................................................





Upon being struck or bitten by a plague zombie you will notice a meter pop up above your map and health cores, This meter is a plague meter which will increase the more you are attacked by plague zeds or freaks. Depending on your difficulty choice the penalty for partial infection will differ meaning on lower difficulties you will recieve less partial infection each time you are struck, whereas on higher difficulties it is much more severe and can progress to its next stage of progression much faster. 


Partial infection can be cured by admitting your character to your infirmary or giving them the plague cure. 



Plague Infection


When your partial infection meter fills up, your character will move on to the next stage of Blood Plague Infection. This stage requires much more immediate attention due to a timer being present that varies per difficxulty. At this stage on Lethal for example you will be left with minutes to get home for a cure (or less if you have taken additional damage) after the timer has started.


If you have an infected survivor at this stage then your only options are to put them in the infirmary to stabilise the infection, cure them with a cure or put them down and out of their misery. 





Contracting Blood Plague via combat with the undead is not the only way you can be infected by it, there is in fact a few consumables you can purchase off enclaves or traders which when consumed grant you additional capability in different areas at the penalty of minor infection - the intial rate of infection varying depending on difficulty of course. When any of them are consumed your Plague Meter will have an icon above it. If you cure the infection you get from consuming one you can keep the abilities until it wares off without worrying about losing your character. You can also craft these consumables at your base using an Advanced Biochem Station which can be purchased from wandering traders or can be randomly given as a reward by mission givers.

Core example




The trauma icon on your Health core means your character has light injuries such as cuts and bruises or some form of abrasion. Having trauma can inhibit your movement and make melee combat much more tedious and draining for your character,


The more hits you take the more savage the trauma you will accrue until either enough health has depleted or damage has been taken to trigger a full Injury. You can remove Trauma by using a Med Kit - Regular health restoring items like painkillers and bandages only heal base health loss, not trauma or injuries.

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