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The Zompendium is a collection of images and information about Zombies & Freaks in the game and provides what you need to know about your new neighbours.

Hover Over Images for Attack List







Regular Zombies can be encountered on any difficulty and at any stage of progression, They are the backbone of every horde and they will be your most common enemy no matter what difficulty you test yourself against.


When a zombie is aware of you and is aggravated it will call out for its nearby friends,  it is important to neutralise them as quick as possible for this reason - especially on high difficulty settings. 


You can stealth kill Zombies by crouching and sneaking up on them, you can also clear an area of them from a distance by using a ranged weapon with a silencer. 


Be mindful of their grapple while ferals or juggernauts are around as it inhibits your ability to move and dodge their powerful attacks.



Plague Zombie




Plague Zombies can be encountered on any difficulty to start with, Their Presence seemingly phases out with each heart you kill on Green Zone - Dread Zone difficulties. Contact with this zombie will cause Blood Plague Infection 


When a zombie is aware of you and is aggravated it will call out for its nearby friends,  it is important to neutralise them as quick as possible for this reason - especially on high difficulty settings. 


You can stealth kill Plague Zombies by crouching and sneaking up on them, you can also clear an area of them from a distance by using a ranged weapon with a silencer. 


Be extra mindful of their grapple while ferals or juggernauts are around as it inhibits your ability to move and dodge their plague inducing attacks.



Armoured Zombie




Armoured Zombies are extremely durable and relentless in their attacks, They can often sponge multiple magazines worth of ammo from any round type less than .50 Calibur which itself n most cases is a one-shot kill. 


As with any other Zombie - Stealth tactics work effectively at taking them out, however these zombies often travel in groups of 5+ so sneaking up on all of them while they are in a group may be a difficult task if you don't plan correctly. 


Despite their durability these zombies can be dismembered the same as any other, you can also knock off their helmets during melee or ranged attacks which gives you the opportunity to defeat it with headshot damage. 


These zombies like the others can also call out to other nearby zombies.



Unusual Zombies




These zombies have identical capabilities to Regular Zombies but come in unusual variations such as:


- Zombie Clown

- Armoured Zombie with cone on it's head


We are sure there are more more but they are often uncommon to come across, If you want to see Unusual Zombies in your game activate the setting in your pause menu in-game if it is not active already.


Then its just a game of waiting until one decides to appear for you. 







-Grapple & Slam

These brutes do serious damage on most difficulties and are heavily resistant to fire damage. Explosions and high calibre weapons are your best chance of beating these goliaths quickly.


If you are confident and capable with your melee skills then this is also an efficient strategy if you dodge its attacks in between your strikes. This strategy has double effectiveness if you attack it from behind.


For the most part even these striking you or hitting you after charging is not the real threat, their highest damage attack is a grapple, followed by a chokeslam, followed by a double fisted slam to your character. This move can seriously injure your character,  if you are at low health when you receive it you will also then be picked up and torn in two.



Plague Juggernaut


-Plague Slam

-Grapple & Slam

These brutes do life threatening damage to your characters, you will see them as a replacement to regular juggernauts on higher difficulties. All of their attacks deal Blood Plague damage as well as base health damage.


As with regular Juggernauts - If you are confident and capable with your melee skills then this is also an efficient strategy if you dodge its attacks in between your strikes. It is also an effective strategy if you attack it from behind.


All of this behemoths attacks can be devastating to your character as its slam attacks have a Blood Plague Area of Effect, these juggernauts also roam around with XL Hordes alongside Plague Screamers and Plague Ferals on higher difficulties. 


For the most efficiency in defeating them attack them from a distance with ranged weapons, Sniper support also works perfectly in assisting taking these down though unfortunately it's targeting priority isn't always the juggernaut. 






Screamers are unique amongst their non-plague peers because they do not physically attack you they instead scream to alert nearby zombies of your presence and continue to do so until you shut them up. Their scream briefly paralyses you which can leave you open to attack from other zombies.


Headshots with most ammo types will take these down immediately, vehicles also only take light damage running them over.


Other than the threats that this screaming banshee can bring to your door alongside it, its generally quite harmless though its best just to take them out so they don't cause too much trouble.



Plague Screamer

-Plague Vomit

-Plague Vomit (up)


Unlike their much friendlier, slightly more approachable cousin these things are not to be trifled with. They do the same scream as a regular Screamer but they also have the ability to projectile vomit Blood Plague at you if you are close enough. 


You will mainly encounter these on Nightmare and Lethal and on those difficulties they can create absolute mayhem if not neutralised quickly.


As with the regular screamer this guy goes down easy to most ammo types, his only genuine threat is his blood plague attacks so always be mindful.




-Gas Cloud

-Sprint & Detonation

Bloaters move very slowly, or not at all. They are able to sprint for a short time, but they will not be as fast as the player, and will quickly fall over and detonate. This also happens if they climb over small walls. Once detonated either by being damaged or falling, a cloud of bloater gas will appear that will constantly deal slight damage for the time you spend in it. The gas is also capable of giving you health and stamina trauma.


To deal with these freaks, simply run away from it as it sprints towards you, or use a single bullet from a distance, and mind the gas.



Plague Bloater

-Gas Cloud

-Sprint & Detonation

The threat level of these freaks is at red alert. Plague Bloaters are capable of all the same things as a normal Bloater, but deal significantly more damage, can cause injury and constantly applies Blood Plague for as long as you're in their gas cloud.


You will find these on Nightmare and Lethal and they often appear in groups, they can often also be found laid down tucked behind walls or in gaps so always be wary when taking shortcuts in vehicles..


Though they are a lot more dangerous, they still share the same weaknesses as their non-plague counterpart, one bullet should be enough to dispatch it.







The fastest, and arguably most dangerous of the freaks, the Feral is capable of running faster than the player and tackling them to the ground. It will chase you until you either kill it or get into a position where it can no longer reach you though it does also know its way over an obstacle or two. Capable of easily causing trauma, it is recommended to use extreme caution around these freaks. It is also capable of avoiding cars, so running it over will be a challenge.


To deal with these fast, but flimsy foes, you need to attack it with Heavy Melee Weapons or get a direct headshot, which considering the Feral's speed is a lot harder than it seems. Using a survivor with Aim Snap from the Gunslinger Skill is your best bet. Explosions can also kill them rather easily.

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